Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My plant at work

So I bought this plant at Walmart for my desk. I noticed a month after I got it that the leaves were starting to fall off of it. Maybe my plant committed suicide. Apparently there is a lot of negativity at my desk or something. Then I find out that you can kill a plant by over-watering it. So, a month later there are almost no leaves. So, I pluck all the leaves off, and trim it down to some weird NINE INCH NAILS plant with just stems and no leaves; I stop watering it-essentially waiting for it to die.

Then the leaves start to grow. So I talk pretty to the plant and try not to curse people out while at work. I sang to it one day. Someone says they saw me making out with it one day, but I am sure that these are lies. So, we will give it a few days and wait a few days to see if the plant dies or thrives.

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