Friday, April 01, 2005

Saturday mornings.....

I have always loved Saturday mornings, except while in college. As a child, we all got up early to watch cartoons until our parents finally got their lazy butts out of bed to pour us a bowl of Cornflakes. As we entered high school, we hung out with our friends till the wee hours of the morning. College brought us to partying late friday nights and waiting to order breakfast at Denny's while the sun was starting to rise. Now, I have come full circle. I used to go with my friend CJ to tow cars on Saturday mornings, but it seems that he has fallen off the earth- this was aroung the time when I asked him for help to fix my brakes. Now, I do things. And stuff. But I got to get out and do something on Saturdays, even if that is dousing my car in gasoline. I can't wait for tomorrow because it is..........another Saturday morning.

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