Friday, June 03, 2005

Watch out for inanimate objects.

So the other day, I almost took out this giant plant on the way to my desk. Sure, I am not the most graceful person but I know this. Today, that plant tried to attack me. I swear, and I thought they were fake. I don't work during the day, so I never see the lady water them. But they look fake. Now it's like the wizard of oz up in here and I got plants trying to get me.

There was a guy at walmart today, backing out of a parking space looking off into space and taking his and everyone else's time. He had this blank stare on his face like he was thinking about doughnuts, and I had my jaw dropped to the floor and he just stared at me like I was one of the doughnuts he was thinking of instead of driving. Man my feet smell.

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