Thursday, October 06, 2005

Outsourcing to India

So, due to the nature of my work, I speak with a discount travel service provider that begins with a vowel's customer service representatives frequently. Now, one thing I've noticed is they usually have an Indian or Middle Eastern accent. Just this evening, while talking to "Pete" who sounds like a guy I know named Muhanned, I realized that everyone I've ever talked to at (company in question) who has a heavy Middle Eastern accent has some super swell, apple pie name like Suzy or Tom or Bob or Jane. Not once have I talked with Samir, Rajmal or Habib. I guess that an enterprizing company such as (company in question) knows its US customers might be a bit sore about outsourcing to the Middle east, so they renamed everyone there so you wouldn't feel that bad when you couldn't understand what Suzy was saying because he accent was so thick you were sure she had stopped speaking English, and was now speaking Farsey or Arabic.

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