Friday, November 11, 2005

Weird Dream

Adam Campen, Laura and I are standing in the yard of this house from children of the corn and it is pitch black. Laura gets my attention, and tells me to look across the field. There is a cop car hiding in the middle of the corn field, so I decide not to get rid of the gun.

We turn around and walk across the street and are suddenly in a residential neighborhood. We climb the bush infested enbankment of someone's front yard. I wipe the prints off the gun, and hide it under a plant. We go in the house.

I go to the bathroom and when I come back, Hayride John is there. He is wearing this hideous Pink/orange shirt and pants and glaring at me. Laura and Adam are on opposite sides of the room staring at cobwebs or whatever, so they don't have to talk to John.

"Where is the murder weapon?" he asks me-I know he is asking me because I can't get away with lying. I can't even tell a bad lie. So, I respond with "the murder weapon is not a gun, and it is definately not in the front yard."

There are two cops in the doorway; they are dressed as drummer boys/nutcrackers with all black except for the black cherry leather vests. John tells me that I am not in trouble, the cops can check the finger prints off of the gun. I tell him they can't because I wiped them off.

The dream ends with me telling him that "We can't be responsible for the murder because we don't know who was murdered and don't know where the body is." And then it ends with everyone being completely satisfied with that answer as proof of our innocence.

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