Wednesday, March 23, 2005

If I was a rich girl....lalalalalalalalaalala

That song is stuck in my head. And has been for the last three weeks. So I am chillin here at work 2 1/2 hours early-Laura is on her second interview. So, I have my performance meeting today with my team leader....I wonder what I am going to get yelled at for now. For those of you unaware of this, I became the RACIST SMELLY BOY WITH TOURETTES at work over the course of one week. First the tourettes started and I said something I shouldn't have. So, they called me in to a meeting. Which made me nervous, apparently resulting in gas for the rest of the shift. (Which I guess became long for my co workers). Then my team leader calls me racist because I asked a coworker if they had helped this guy trying to book a trip to Zimbabwe. So, I am trying to figure out what I am going to get yelled at for today. Maybe all the people around me got stomach flu and I did it because I use splenda in my tea. Yeah, that is all for now.

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