Tuesday, March 04, 2025

I'm so jealous of people who know how to shut up, I shut up and subtitles come out my face.


Sometimes I can be long-winded and tell you every little minute detail of what had happened, but I know that comes from being the son of parents of thoroughly knowledgeable, intellectual parents that  we’re excellent communicators that could explain things in detail to people and give them all the knowledge they needed so they didn’t have any questions to ask.

This is a blessing and a curse at the same time to me; between my ability to get sidetracked, or start a new story in a story (like the movie Inception), and short attention span‘s of others sometimes I’m just rambling on like a Ramblin Man.

As a dance to my drummer and my own beat, my second New Year’s resolution there’s to be more direct communicating with others. Well, it is good to hear a friend’s voice, but I haven’t heard in a long time and catch up-I don’t need to tell everybody every little thing and monopolize or dominate the conversation. Communication is a two-way street and I realize I’ve kind of been driving right down the middle of it with long ass texts. I guess I figure it’s because I figure I can put everything into a text (I LOATHE TEXTING BTW), and everything’s there, so if you have missed something you can always scroll up to review The notes above lol. 

I grew up talking on the phone and I’ll continue calling people on the phone. There are some of y’all out there that need to set up or clean out your voicemail so I can leave you a message just telling you I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing, but it is what it is and I’m trying to keep in contact with all those great important people of and in my life.

And somebody really needs to come along an update that speech to text app because the amount of time I end up correct in the incorrect dictation Drives me bonkers. If I had a nickel for every time, I’ve screamed at my iPad “Can you hear the words coming out of my mouth?” I would be driving a Porsche 911 instead of a Honda-or have a couple of Honda’s.

Long story short-TOO LATE!!! I’m gonna try harder to use less words to get my point across.

I'm so jealous of people who know how to shut up, I shut upSometimes I can be long-winded and tell you every little minute detail of what had happened, but I know that comes from being the son of parents of thoroughly knowledgeable, intel

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